A Better Way to Design Prestressed Girders

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Key Features

  • NEW! LRFD 9th Edition
  • NEW! DRM for automatic updates 
  • Continuous, multi-span structures
  • Time-dependent restraint moments
  • Design & permit vehicles
  • Section, truck & rebar libraries
  • Section properties generation

PSBeam is a high-performance Windows-based program for the design and analysis of simple-span or continuous precast, pretensioned or post-tensioned precast concrete bridge girders. PSBeam is professional grade software. It’s the tool of choice for professional engineers who demand results. They know they can count on PSBeam’s rock-solid reliability to deliver the results they need. Support is included for both AASHTO LRFD and Standard Specs. PSBeam sets a new standard for plant-cast prestressed bridge girder design. Now you can extend spans by segmenting girders and including post-tensioning--all within PSBeam.

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​Prices include full technical support and access to all updates.

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Software can be installed on a maximum of four computers at a single location