Eriksson Girder
A Better Way to Design Prestressed Girders

Coming soon!

Key Features

  • LRFD 9th Edition
  • Continuous, multi-span structures
  • Time-dependent restraint moments
  • Design & permit vehicles
  • Section, truck & rebar libraries
  • Section properties generation

Eriksson Girder is a high-performance Windows-based program for the design and analysis of simple-span or continuous precast, pretensioned or post-tensioned precast concrete bridge girders. Eriksson Girder is professional grade software. It’s the tool of choice for professional engineers who demand results. They know they can count on Girder’s rock-solid reliability to deliver the results they need. Support is included for both AASHTO LRFD and Standard Specs. Eriksson Girder sets a new standard for plant-cast prestressed bridge girder design. Now you can extend spans by segmenting girders and including post-tensioning.

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​Prices include full technical support and access to all updates.

Single User License
Single User License

Coming soon!

Software can be installed on a single workstation. This license is tied to the workstation's hardware and cannot be shared with other users, and can only be moved to another machine after contacting us. 

This license is most suitable for mobile computers or a single user/workstation setup.